Making a difference while making a living: your guide to green careers

Forget saving the planet for a rainy day, green jobs let you make a difference while the sun shines!

These aren’t just careers; they’re adventures in sustainability, with industries from renewable energy to eco-construction searching for passionate young minds to help solve climate change. We spoke to industry experts to bring you all the information you need to know about getting started in a green career.

What is a green job or career?

To stay competitive and address climate concerns, many industries are actively transforming the way they do things. This includes exploring renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, adopting sustainable practices like resource efficiency, and developing innovative, eco-friendly products. These planet-saving changes create exciting career opportunities for those passionate about environmental solutions.

Types of green jobs include (but are not limited to):

  • environmental technician

  • agricultural specialist

  • energy manager

  • environmental scientist

  • wind turbine technician

  • compliance officer

  • solar panel technician

  • farm manager

  • green construction manager

  • nuclear engineer

  • sustainability engineer

This is just a handful of the types of green careers you can pursue, but there are many more. We spoke to Centrica to learn more about their #NetZeroBattalion campaign and green career opportunities within the company.

Centrica: going green with Forces talent

Centrica, a FTSE 100 Energy Services and Solutions company, is on a mission to fight climate change and create a sustainable future. They’re building a ‘Net Zero Battalion’, and that’s where YOU come in! They have bold goals to combat climate change, lead the UK’s drive towards net zero and kickstart the hydrogen economy. While these ambitions provide great opportunities, they know they’ll also be challenging. They’ll need to create thousands of high-quality, inclusive, green jobs to make change happen and allow society to live sustainably, simply, and affordably.

Centrica’s Forces Pathway is all about recruiting talented individuals from the Armed Forces community – veterans, reservists, spouses, and young people. They offer opportunities for everyone, from apprenticeships to senior positions. For example, whether you’re 16 or an experienced professional seeking a change of direction, there’s an opportunity for you on one of their award-winning training and apprenticeship schemes. So far, they’ve hired 237 talented individuals from the Armed Forces community, with roles ranging from smart energy apprentice, offshore supervisor, project manager, heating sales advisor, newly qualified gas engineer to regional director British Gas Zero.

Why Centrica? They combine award-winning training with dedicated support to help you excel in green jobs. 

So, if you’re passionate about the environment and have great transferable skills, Centrica wants to hear from you!

Q&A with Claire: from Army captain to green changemaker!

Ever wondered how you can turn your love for the planet into a killer career? We chatted with Claire, a group environmental reporting advisor at British Gas, who went from the Army to a green dream job.

Why should we care about green careers?

Imagine this: a world just as awesome (or even better!) than the one we have now. That’s what green careers are all about! From fighting climate change to protecting endangered animals, there are tons of ways to make a real difference.

So, you wanna go green? Any advice?

First things first, explore! What part of sustainability gets you fired up? Don’t stress about finding “the one” perfect role. Volunteer for stuff you enjoy, chat with people in the industry – basically, soak up all the green knowledge you can. The skills you learn will open doors to epic green jobs.

What’s the good, the bad, and the green of this career path?

The best part? Knowing you’re making a positive impact! Plus, there’s always something new to learn, which keeps things exciting. The downside? It can feel overwhelming sometimes, but that’s where your awesome green team comes in – together, you’re an unstoppable force for good.

Can you REALLY make a difference with a green career?

Absolutely! Companies and governments all have big goals for protecting the environment, and they need creative, passionate young minds like yours to reach them. Teamwork is key – by brainstorming with your green crew, you can develop brilliant ideas that make a real change.

Passion for the planet + fulfilling career = possible?

Heck yeah! Whether you land a straight-up green job or start a green initiative at your current work, you can totally combine your eco-love with a career you love.

How can we stay on top of the latest green news?

Follow awesome green sources like magazines, podcasts, and reports. Check out universities for free sustainability talks – you might even meet fellow green enthusiasts! Bonus points for joining local clean-up crews or repair cafés – it’s good for the planet and good for making new green friends!

Recommended resources

  • The Green Teens podcast: Green Teens is your one-stop shop to understand climate change and take action. Hosted by teens for everyone, they tackle tough topics and inspire solutions.

  • The Young People’s Trust for the Environment: Get the eco info you need, whether you’re ready to make a difference or just need info for school, there are loads of resources on this website.

  • STEM Learning: Green Careers. Their large and exciting collection of green career and climate change resources are free to access.

  • Are you curious about what it's really like to work in a green job? Greenpeace has a resource featuring interviews with people in those fields: "This is what it’s really like to have a green job". It can help you decide if a green career path is right for you.

  • The STEM Hub has a collection of pre-recorded talks from STEM Ambassadors who share their experiences in green careers. Learn what these jobs are like and see if they align with your interests.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the exciting world of green careers and start making your mark on the planet!


Sail away towards a new career!


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