Career pursuit Magazine
A career guide for military families on the move
Career Pursuit magazine
I produced the magazine Career Pursuit following my own experience of career transition due to overseas military postings.
As a career advocate for military spouses/partners, I want everyone to have free access to expert and valuable career support.
The magazine is updated annually to ensure relevant and current career advice and resources are at your fingertips.

Read the current issue of Career Pursuit here
Back issues of Career Pursuit (digital copies)

Prefer to read a hard copy of the Career Pursuit magazine?
No problem. You can get a copy to read in person:
From every information office/HIVE, Army, Navy, RAF, UK wide
From the Army, Navy, and RAF Families Federations
From the Forces Employment Charity
In your local Military Coworking Hub
Directly from us via post - just fill in the contact form, and we’ll post you a copy for free!

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