Career Pursuit

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Military life: your secret weapon for career success (even when it feels like a challenge)

Being in a military family can have its positives.

You may get to travel the world, meet incredible people, and learn to adapt on the fly. But let’s be honest, it also throws some curveballs at your plans. Sophie Woffenden, head of people at Vantage Talent Solutions, is here to tell you how to turn those “challenges” to your advantage when it comes to nailing your career goals.

Frequent moves? You’re a master adaptor!

Job interviewers love to grill you about all those school moves. Instead of freaking out, own it! Explain how military life made you a quick learner who thrives in new environments. Employers value flexibility and resilience – two skills you’ve practically mastered by now.

Uncertain future? Forge your own path!

Military life can make long-term planning tricky, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take action. Focus on your end goal and show employers you’re committed to pursuing your career dreams, no matter the bumps in the road. Plus, being adaptable lets you explore different options and find your perfect fit.

Incomplete projects? Highlight your drive!

Had to ditch a project due to a relocation? Don’t sweat it. Focus on the application, not the application process. If it’s relevant, explain the situation honestly and then emphasise your initiative. Mention any self-study you did to stay on track. Employers are looking for people who keep learning, and you’ve proven you can do that even amidst chaos.

Parental deployments? You can handle the pressure!

This is a chance to showcase your maturity and responsibility. Explain how you manage your studies and work while supporting your family. Remember, everyone faces challenges – yours just happen to involve deployments. Employers appreciate people who can handle pressure and prioritise their responsibilities.

Dealing with stress? You’re building character!

Military life can be stressful, but guess what? So can most careers. Talk about healthy coping mechanisms you’ve developed – hobbies, exercise, or support systems. This shows you’re self-aware and proactive, exactly what employers are looking for.

Sophie’s three bonus tips

By following these tips, you’ll show up to your interview feeling confident and ready to impress! Military life throws a lot at you, but it also equips you with incredible skills. Now go out there and show them what you’re made of!